Friday, September 18, 2009

First few days of school...

After what seemed like a very short month off, the MAC program is back in full gear. While I am more busy than ever, I am excited about these next few months as I will be finally in the classroom! My first days of observing students and my mentor teacher have been very informative. I have already begun to see how my mentor teacher's approach towards her students really seems to work with kids that would often be misbehaving or totally disinterested in school. She really works hard at being excited and enthusiastic about whatever she is teaching. This may be easy in some course (like Theater) where the students already have an interest in the topic, but she brings this same amount of enthusiasm to an English course. I can see the students really connecting with her as she tells personal stories, makes fun of herself, and gets the students to really understand why each lesson is important to their lives. She seems so comfortable commanding a classroom, and I hope that with some experience, I will begin to feel the same way.
It should be an exciting year!!!


  1. Alison, I would agree that it is very important to show your students that you are excited. I a book I just read, "Love & Logic- Teacherisms" it said that you should never expect students to be excited about school if the teacher isn't. I think it is very important to students to know that you want to be teaching them so that they want to be in your class.

  2. Alison,
    I'm reading your first post about a month after you posted it, and I'm curious to see if the strong start to the class has been maintained. It sounds like your mentor teacher hasd a wide range of tools that allow her to be successful in engaging the students. That's pretty cool. Have you gotten an opportunity to test out your own style yet?
